On sports fields, team members, while paying respect to the flag, are simultaneously paying respect to their team mates and fans and making the statement that, despite differences, no one nor thing is going to divide their team. They stand “united.” EVERYONE at the event respecting the flag and national anthem are standing “united” in, at the very least, being grateful for a time and place for such activities to take place with the freedoms granted the players for which team they play on and the freedom fans have in cheering for their team of choice.
We've gotten so caught up over "rights" over the years that, in a way, we're getting what we've been asking for. After all, can you really blame a generation (or more) of people who have grown up being taught they have the right to do pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want? Instead of denying oneself the enjoyment of the games, energy should be put toward teaching people that acting offensively (albeit legally) in an inappropriate place for a message they are trying to send about their personal beliefs is not acceptable. At this time, I would welcome an apology from the kneeling players who can understand that they can express their political and personal preferences at other venues. For those players who remain unapologetic – well, I feel they are not really “united” with their teams and therefore should not be allowed to remain on them.
Sports have been the saving grace for many people, even since childhood -- including my own daughter. So I want sports to continue to be supported, but what should not be tolerated are the activities like we have witnessed lately that cause discourse on the fields. In such a setting, certain standards need to be exercised and revered, without exception.
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