Thursday, June 9, 2011

An All-Age Product Worth Using

     All year, but especially on hot days, the feeling of being refreshed is so nice.  Many things go in cycles, including ways to stay refreshed and even a bit more hygienic.  An old favorite of mine is the timeless baby powder cornstarch.  Make sure it is the cornstarch item (not simply baby powder) for better moisture absorbency and no gooeyness.  Think about the reasoning behind using powder for babies in diapers.  It is applicable to any age.  The powder not only absorbs moisture, but it helps eliminate unpleasant odors and replaces it with a mild, pleasing one.  It also helps keep clothing and footwear from sticking to your skin.
     Sprinkle some of the powder on the palm of your hands, and apply it under your arms and breasts, around the groin and backside area, and perhaps even behind your knees and the underside of your feet.  Sprinkle some inside your under-garments, too.  You can adjust the amount to reach the odor-release level that suits you.  It's a great tactic for when you have an appointment but don't have time for a bath or shower.  There is no staining, either, as there is with antiperspirants.  Knock smelling offensive off your worry list -- and go enjoy the summer feeling more refreshed!

~  Maeke Ermarth © 2011
    Fairfax, VA - USA

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