Saturday, March 24, 2012

Not a Simple "Open and Shut" Case

Re:  The Trayvon Martin (black, teenaged shooting victim) and George Zimmerman (half-hispanic suspected shooter) case in Sanford, FL, where Zimmerman seemingly shot and killed teenager Martin during a neighborhood watch patrol.

I've been reading that Zimmerman had blood from his head and grass on his back, indicating a struggle.  Another report says Zimmerman's gun jammed after the first (and only) shot, further indicating a struggle.  Question, did the experts examine all foot prints, grass pushed down in specific directions, etc., to determine which person was where through all this, who approached who, was the encounter face to face or from behind, will the coroner find firing residue on Martin's hands, whose prints are on the gun -- only Zimmerman's or both Zimmerman's AND Martin's? Will any of the people who called 911 take a lie detector test?  Will Zimmerman? Will the one eye witness who says he actually saw the struggle?  

Accusations on both sides have been made prior to enough evidence being brought forward, and it is causing way too much tension and "us" against "them" mentality that will now persist REGARDLESS of what the actual truth is (if, in fact, we ever come to know it).  In my opinion, that is not "fair and equal" to anyone.  Zimmerman does not appear to be skipping town.  I think it wise to weigh ALL the facts after receiving ALL the evidence, and then may justice be handed out according to the circumstances of that story.  

Furthermore, I wish "race" would be taken out of all this and the case be reviewed by all us on-lookers to learn what the rules are pertaining to neighborhood-watch patrols and were they followed in this case.  Otherwise, we in America will not reach the goal of being color blind for a long, long time -- if ever.  I think we can do better than that.  Look at the progress made over the past 50 years, when we were still a nation of segregation.  It is everyone pulling together to be fair, honest, respectful and mature that makes us united and honorable.

Maeke Ermarth©March 24, 2012
            Cheyenne, WY

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