Professed Bible believers supposedly accept it with no intention of changing it. Followers are supposed to strive to live their lives according to the Scriptures -- which is a life-long struggle and often times includes demands that we fall short of meeting, but our goal is to continue striving to do better. Perhaps the entire discussion is too clear-cut to me, but my faith tells me I must strive to be all loving, to honor and respect the teachings of the Bible, and to accept that God is everyone's ultimate judge. The Bible does not support homo-sexuality and same-sex marriage, but it does say to love one another as Jesus loved us. I doubt that Jesus would shun or ignore a homosexual but rather would be loving and caring. I do not, however, believe Jesus would approve of religion-based marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples. However, mankind is given free will; and if a society determines that same-sex couples are entitled to the rights and privileges that married heterosexual couples have, that sentiment can be recognized in a secular legal system and need not water down, ridicule, dismiss and disavow religious laws. Many hetero-sexual non-believing and non-practicing persons get married by the Justice of the Peace so as not to sign on to the expectations and demands of the religious-based ceremonies.
Also, there is no need for all the psychological, biological, and environmental studies to come into play when determining where religions stand on the topics of homosexuality and same-sex marriage -- they do not matter. The heads of Bible-based churches are obligated to follow the dictates of the Bible which, by the way, truly are timeless and pertain to every age of human existence. "Free" societies are graced with the option of secular laws that contend with the issues society wants to recognize that may contradict religious laws. There are a good number of people I love and adore who are gay or lesbian and whose "marriages" or "unions" I respect and accept. However, as far as I know, their marriages have been performed under secular, not religious authority.
If the church(es) I attend decides to skew the teachings of the Bible to satisfy what a group of people want instead of adhering to God's word, then it has lost my confidence in it for providing me the role models I need to enhance my Christian belief in and my relationship with God. It will have, in my opinion, found a new idol to worship; and I will seek out a purer, more obedient-to-the-Bible place of faith.
Maeke Ermarth © Cheyenne, WY
February 13, 2012
The Bible calls homosexually an abomination. The Church therefore should not perform marriages. Homesexuals are welcome in the church. They ara sinners like you and I. The only difference is we work on repentance and they do not. Are they going to heaven? Only God knows. While I have friends that are homosexuals and I see them as loving decent people. I can not support there sexual orintation or their relations.
ReplyDeleteAgree w/you. I have no "problems" with Gay couples, I just follow my faith which tells me thru the bible that it is incorrect to live in this manner. The Bible is quite specific about this. This does not mean that I do not love these people, it just means that I disagree w/their way of living and their sexual preferances. I will NOT change my religious beliefs for this same group of people and to do
ReplyDeleteso would be to not only condone their actions, but to have it appear to some that the church should as well.